In between, we spent Tuesday night in Houston, MN, then crossed the state border into Wisconsin on Wednesday morning. The border is the Mississippi River.
As noted above, our expected destination on Wednesday was Cashton, WI, where we had a reservation at a B&B. We got to the B&B at 2 pm, but there was no one there to let us in. After waiting until 4 pm for someone to arrive, we left and cycled 27 more miles along our route to Hillsboro, WI, the next town with lodging. It was a long, hilly day, but the upside is that Thursday will be a short day.
Entering Wisconsin
Crossing the Mississippi
An Amish horse & buggy in Cashton
An Amish farmer at work with his horses
A road sign in Cashton
Peter getting a haircut in Cashton, to look presentable when lecturing at U Wisconsin later in the week