Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Starting the Eastward Trek
The two of us, together with Peter's son Steven, left Astoria, Oregon, on Sunday 5/2. After a hilly day on Sunday and a rainy day on Monday, we arrived in Portland early Monday afternoon. We went to Oregon Health Sciences University on Monday afternoon for a board review session with the OHSU Radiology residents. A great feature of our stay in Portland was getting together with Peter's cousin Michael Axman and his wife Raizie, both of whom grew up in Montreal (like Peter) and then moved to the US. We had several hours to catch up on each other's families and lives, not having seen each other since leaving Montreal several decades ago.
Stopping for lunch in a small town in Oregon
A bridge crossing on route
At Oregon Health Sciences University for a board review
Together with Steven Doubilet, Michael & Raizie Axman